06 October 2011

New Flyers Released

Got a good deal on 1000 prints from NextDayFlyers.Com who were having a special on free shipping of over $75 this week.  If one person, just one person signs up for a website to be constructed, or if SpacePirate gets a single show booked on account of the distribution of these flyers, then it's all good.  It makes it all worth it.

One side of the flyer is purple/black themed, for SpacePirate.  It features the recently added background imagery, as well as the amusing banner logo, "In the Place to Be."

And the official "STE / REO" logo, which is the visual shape of the old RunDMC logo, in the Star Wars Font, with BGHorizonMatrix in the background.  It's fairly radical.  There's even a QR Scan code.

The other side is pink, red, and purple themed.  Everything on the card has sort of an infrared/ultraviolet appearance.  It's got Aristotle, climbing the casette tape, with OuterSpace (HorseHead nebula photograph) in the background.  This is characteristic of my current aesthetic.  Which is 1980s legos, salvation army electronics, and backgrounds from outer space, under the supposition of the storyline behind the characters that are being featured (L.S. Aristotle, in the photo to the left that you see).

It's supposed to be educational, but at the same time entertaining.  It's a deep and meaningful story about freedom of information, originality, cultural appropriation, and fond memories from childhood about a better, brighter future involving music and little legomen from outerspace who battle eachother.

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